
Befriending technology in second language and research and teaching
Saturday 26, May

Processing language with Python: an introduction

Given by Patrick Goethals (Ghent University)

In the current digital era, it becomes more and more important to have basic programming skills. In this workshop you will learn how the use of (relatively) simple Python scripts can boost your work with language data. By running pre-elaborated scripts, you will directly experience the possibilities that are offered by web crawling, automated data extraction and file handling.

Participants can follow the workshop as a demonstration, but if you want to practice, it is better to bring your own laptop and install the Anaconda package beforehand (details will be given at the website one month before the conference).

New Technologies and their application to the new trends in language learning: autonomous, collaborative, and ludic.

Given by Cristina Calle (Complutense University of Madrid) and Ana Ibañez (UNED)

In this workshop we will see different applications (Voice Thread, QStream, Phonopaper) that can be used in the foreign language classroom (and in other classroom settings too) in order to promote language learning in a playful, collaborative, and motivating way. We will present our own experiences with such applications, but, above all, we will analyze them together, so as to elicit the assistants’ own creative ideas around their use. Discussion will be triggered around the convenience of using such applications, on the benefits and on the disadvantages this may bring.

The Many Voices in Me: Subtitling, Dubbing and Audio Description for the Development of Interaction and Mediation Skills

Given by Tomás Costal (UNED and Anna Vermeulen (Ghent University)

This hands-on workshop will try to convey the advantages of accessibility modalities and techniques as didactic tools in the foreign language class, placing a special emphasis on project-based approaches as well as the enhancement of interaction and mediation skills using mobile technologies. Its underlying principles are applicable to face-to-face, blended and distance learning environments.

By the end of the session, participants will have a much clearer idea of the potential uses of subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing, intra- and interlinguistic dubbing or voice-over, as well as audio description, and they will be able to contribute new ideas and design classroom activities that may turn into long-term, large scale, institutional endeavours.

Session outline

Given that there is an explicit focus on audience participation, the session will be distributed as follows:

(1) Sixty minutes will be devoted to subtitling and revoicing practices with workshop attendees, depending on whose preferences, immediate needs and areas of expertise part of the contents will be adapted. The sample tasks will be divided in sections that require interaction, debate and direct contributions. All participants will be given the opportunity to assess the potential of accessibility services as efficient language learning and competence development tools. In this regard, short audiovisual clips will be dubbed both intra- and interlinguistically. Each of the activities will highlight several core aspects of this approach: appropriacy, copyright and sequencing in audiovisual products; teacher preparedness for ICT in the language classroom; student familiarity with technological and mobile learning tools; project-based vs. traditional approaches; production, reception, interaction and mediation skills enhancement via dubbing; successful combinations of diverse accessibility modalities; and, a synthetic background of practical experiences.

(2) Thirty minutes will be dedicated to the benefits and limitations of audio description in foreign language learning and teaching. The audience will be given the opportunity to participate in an AD-task to experience the opportunities AD offers to promote linguistic skills and competences. A short audiovisual clip will be audio described and compared to a version made by a native speaker. All differences in vocabulary choices and formulation will be discussed.

(3) The last fifteen minutes of the session will focus on answering any of the attendees’ questions, exchanging impressions, and considering the introduction of new multimodal methodologies in their educational institutions.